What child doesn’t love glowing sticks? They’re a constant source of interest, and as Halloween approaches and they are available all over the place. Apart from the enjoyment they provide to children they also serve as a method to ensure that your trick-or-treaters will be visible in the dark at night on Halloween. Before I started researching glow sticks I didn’t know how they functioned. I’ve never purchased these before, and I asked the same question that you do What’s inside the glow sticks? What makes a glow stick make its glow? Are they safe to use? What are alternatives for glow stick alternatives? I’ll be able to answer your questions.
What’s inside the glow stick?
There are numerous ways to make glow sticks, however, the most popular one is made up of the following ingredients dibutyl phthalate (part from the phthalate group of chemicals that contain all well-known hormone disruptors) hydrogen peroxide the phthalic esters, phenyl oxalate ester as well as a tube of glass wrapped in a stick made of plastic.
What makes a glow-stick shine?
The light is due to the chemical reaction between substances inside the stick. The glow stick is activated by breaking the glass bulb within it. When the glass bulb’s contents combine with the contents of the stick, it triggers the chemical reaction which makes it shine. This chemical reaction is known as the chemiluminescence.
For glow sticks wholesale check out sinoglow.com
Are glow sticks secure?
If used properly it is safe to your child’s safety with glow stick. But, if the content of the glow stick get released, that’s the point where trouble begins. Before you give your child a glow stick ensure that it’s not leaking or cracked.
In the event that the liquid gets in contact with the skin, it can cause irritation. Ingestion of the liquid can cause irritation to the throat and mouth. If it enters your eyes, it could cause burning and stinging. Additionally glass fragments in the stick that are a result of the broken glass bulb. In the event that any one of these events occur, consult this safety information for glow sticks and contact your poison control centre in your area for advice on how to proceed.
Additionally, glow sticks are made from plastic, which isn’t an eco-friendly option which means they’re not eco-friendly. They are only used once and once it’s been lit, they are put in the garbage and is destined to sit in a landfill for quite a long duration. The chemicals in the sticks aren’t safe to flush into the toilet or flush through the drain since those chemicals can then be part of the water system.
Glow sticks aren’t just hazardous for children if they break, but they also pose a risk for pets, who could bite them when allowed to. Therefore, if you are using them, be particularly cautious in the vicinity of your pets. In the event that your dog has consumed any of the ingredients of a glow stick, you should contact the poison control center in your area or veterinarian.
What are alternatives for glow sticks?
If you think that glow sticks aren’t suitable for your family and you there are alternative options that you could try. I did some digging and was unable to find any green glowing sticks (if you have any, please let me know via comments! ) Consider flashlights (kids love flashlights) and glow in the dark , brightly colored clothing or accessories or even themed items (Halloween or Christmas Canada Day etc.) LED lights. Be creative!