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Tarot Cards: The Moon & The Sun

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The Moon and the Sun are two of the most significant cards of the Tarot deck. They symbolize one of the poles that define human existence that is, the dark and light as well as the unconscious and conscious, the unknowable and the familiar.

The Moon is a card that represents the mystery of intuition, awe and the subconscious. It is connected to Water as the element, and the symbol of Cancer. The Moon card may be a symbol of our fears and dreams, our hopes and nightmares, as well as our psychic abilities.

The Sun is a symbol of happiness clarity, clarity, and illumination. It is connected to elements of fire, and the symbol of Leo. The Sun card could symbolize our imagination, self-confidence as well as our capacity to fulfill our desires.

If these two cards are seen together during a tarot reading they usually signify a period that is undergoing a major transformation and change. The Moon card could represent traditional methods of thinking and beliefs which are no longer serving us, whereas the Sun card may symbolize the new possibilities that are emerging for us.

The transition can be challenging however, it can also be an opportunity to grow and healing. This Moon card can aid us face our fears and embrace our intuition and intuition, while The Sun card can assist us find the light at the finish of the road.

Together together, the Moon together with the Sun symbolize the entire cycle of our lives. The Moon card is the darkness of the soul. Meanwhile, the Sun card symbolizes the dawning of the new day. If we can embrace both the light as well as the darkness, we will enjoy the fullness that life has to offer.

Here are a few other interpretations of the moon and the sun tarot cards:


The unconscious
The mystery
The ability to see psychically


The Manifestation


If these cards appear reversed, they could be associated with negative meanings. The Moon reversed may symbolize confusion, fear and a sense of illusion. The Sun reversed could be a symbol of arrogance, egotism, or an inability to recognize oneself.

But, it is essential to keep in mind that even reversed cards may be positive in their meanings. The Moon reversed may also signify an opportunity for reflection and self-discovery. The Sun reversed could also be the time of humility and desire to learn from other people.

In the end, the meaning of The meaning behind Moon and Sun Tarot cards are determined by the meaning of the reading. If you encounter these cards during your readings, you should take time to consider what they represent to you. What are your worries and goals? What are your dreams and hopes? What are you required to let go of to progress?

The Moon and Sun Tarot cards are effective tools to discover yourself and personal development. If you can understand their meanings, you’ll gain insight into your own life and journey.