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Professional Mice Pest Control Methods

It is not a good idea to find out there’s an infestation of mice in their home at all, not to mention in their home. The homeowners must be alert to possible factors that could are attracting mice . They should also keep an eye out for signs of mice or mice infestation. Let’s examine what a mice exterminator does to rid homes of mice and what you can do to best prepare in case you should encounter a mouse infestation at home.

What kind of Mice Infest Homeowners?

There are three types of mice that can be found in homes across the United States. If your home is an oasis for these tiny animals, it’s one of the three species:

Deer mice: The Deer mice are brown in appearance and typically have a tail that is half white and half brown. They are usually found in rural areas, and they’re the species of mice most likely to carry the respiratory virus hantavirus. They will usually find ways into your home looking for warmth or perhaps an easy source of food.

House mice House mice actually color blind and have weak eyesight overall, but they are incredibly sensitive to the senses of smell and hearing. They can be found in all regions of North America, and they are more rounded that deer mouse. They may carry Salmonella However, they also do extensive damage to insulation, drywall, and electrical wiring , by chewing through their bodies. They are your most likely unwanted tenants.

White-footed mice These are the mice that you are most likely to encounter as an intruder, however, during winter, food is scarce and white-footed mouse will wander wherever they can get warmth. In contrast to other kinds of mice, white-footed rodents are solitary, so if you do have one or two of them in your house, you could easily catch them and release them far from your property. These also carry hantavirus as well as ticks therefore, be cautious or contact an expert for pest control before relocating them.

Why Mice are Dangerous for homes

Mice pose a risk for humans and material structures. It is likely that the problem with your mice is caused by mice in your home. These are notorious for chewing through flooring and walls and absolutely destroying electrical wiring inside those walls. Mice are also vectors for various diseases that are spread through contact with their feces or urine, or even food items.

Property damage

Since mice are rodents they have incisors that expand throughout their lives; the teeth do not stop growing, and so they need to come up with ways to keep their teeth’s growth in check. If they do manage to sneak into your home, that method of controlling them is chewing and gnawing on the wood inside your home. This can include rafters and support beams as well as plumbing, wiring and even plumbing. After they have removed the rubber coating on electrical wires, it can create an opportunity for a house fire to be waiting to happen. Once house mice get comfortable in your home, they will stay in the house as long as they are able to find food. They can multiply quickly, causing the damage that could be done to your house.

Health risks and diseases

Mice are able to carry ticks that have diseases, but house mice have a higher chance to carry their own diseases that you or your loved ones could contract if in contact with them. Dry mouse droppings can act as the dusty hantavirus’s conveyor which is a serious respiratory disease that starts with symptoms like muscles aches, fever, and fatigue, similar to the flu. If it is not treated and untreated, the symptoms could lead into fluid buildup in lungs , and eventually cause trouble breathing. There isn’t a specific treatment or vaccine for hantavirus, but in many instances, hospitalization isn’t necessary. It’s best to stay clear of the risk entirely.

Mice can also spread the bacterium Salmonella by their urine droppings, urine, or simply by running over or touching areas like countertops, cabinets, and the food containers inside your pantry. If humans are infected with Salmonella symptoms, they include diarrhea, cramps, and fever. These symptoms are not expected to last for more than a week, but they’re certainly unpleasant.

These diseases and others are preventable if you use face masks, gloves, and even goggles before encountering mouse urine or feces. Be careful not to sift up the urine immediately, as this could spread dangerous bacteria and dander to more areas within your home. Incubate the urine and droppings in a bleach solution let it sit for 5 to 10 minutes, then clean it off with paper towels. Double bag everything while wearing your personal protective gear.

How do exterminators check for mice?

If you believe that you’re suffering from a major rodent infestation, you may consider calling a professional pest control company or exterminator. Exterminators are pest-control experts that specialize in finding out how they got in your home, removing their victims using the most humane techniques possible and making sure they do not return to your home. Exterminators employ various methods to determine if you require professional pest control, such as the following.

Access Points

Mice living in houses can push their little furry bodies around spaces that is about the size a dime, so virtually any space in your home could be a gateway for them from outside if you don’t secure your doors, windows or cracks in your walls properly. Regular inspections should be conducted to ensure that you are able to be aware of any possible entry points mice can use in order to gain access to your house.

Food Sources

Mice don’t have a preference when it comes to sources of food. They are attracted by anything readily accessible. It’s not unusual to see a family of mice taking place in your pantry, where you keep cans and dry goods. They may also be drawn to your trash or recycling.

Areas of Habitat

Mice prefer to nest and reproduce in soft and warm places This means that the insulation within your walls is ideal for them to establish their home. Mice also reside under cabinets where it’s warm and dry and they are within reach of food sources. They like places that are dark and quiet and also crawl spaces and voids within the walls.

Warning Signals

There are certain indicators to look for to tell if you’re dealing with an infestation of mice (or maybe just a few of the tiny creatures living in your home). You will most likely see droppings, especially close to food sources. They’re slightly larger than rice grains, and they’re either brown or black in color. Based on the age they are, their droppings are likely to darken and vary in consistency.

You will also see chewed or gnawed at food containers where mice have infected the bags. One of the most alarming signs of the presence of mice is their scratching or chewing sounds in your walls. They’re making nests and causing harm to the frame of your home. And those are the unnerving sounds to prove it. You may even come across a dead mouse.

Professional Methods for Controlling Mice Pests

When they spot a rodent infestation, your pest control professional or exterminator will set out to eliminate these harmful pests from your home once and for all. Depending on the severity of the problem Your professional exterminator may employ a variety of strategies to eliminate the mice from your property and prevent them from coming back afterward.

Deleting Access Points

After an initial inspection First thing exterminators do is to use caulk or sealant to effectively get rid of any entrances that mice have used to gain access inside your house. These could be hidden from the view of your attic , or in your basement. Sometimes, the cracks that appear in window frames, door frames, or baseboards is the way that mice enter your home. Pest control experts search these entry points out and eliminate them.

Eliminate Food Sources

If you are a pet owner, make sure you seal the food they eat in airtight container instead of putting it in the bags you buy it in at the grocery store. Mice could easily chew through these containers. Place all food items in airtight containers and make sure that they aren’t easily available in the fridge and in the pantry. Also, you should purchase garbage cans that have lids and wash them regularly to ensure that no tempting morsels of food are a magnet for mice. Get rid of crumbs and stains in your kitchen , and try not to take food elsewhere within the home.

Mouse Traps

This is a reliable DIY mouse control method that you can utilize to get rid of rodents in your home However, exterminators can make great use of them too. There are a variety of traps for mice that you can pick from.

Kinds of Mouse Traps

Snap traps. These are traps that the majority people are familiar with in movies and cartoons. They are spring-loaded traps which snap violently closed and are designed to destroy the mouse in question. If they are used properly, they are good traps for human beings for those who don’t mind killing the mice. However, if you have pets or children that are around, snap traps can pose risk to them.

Bait traps differ than the bait stations discussed below as they are meant to trap mice that are already inside your house. Snap traps belong to that category called bait traps as do live traps. Wet cat food, moist cheddar or peanut butter work well as effective baits to set these traps.

Glue traps are a viable option to control mice, however they could result in incredibly brutal deaths for mice. Mice become stuck on these traps of glue and most people throw them into the trash and they are then left to starve to death, thirst, or be crushed to death, at a slow and painful pace. These are not the best way to go unless you are able to kill the mouse yourself after checking frequently to make sure that the traps that are made of glue work. Other animals, including pets, could get stuck in these traps and create a variety of issues and discomfort.

Live traps Live traps are utilized in feral cat capture so they can be sterilized or spayed, and later released back into their colonies. There are smaller versions available to use on mice and must be baited in the same way as snap traps are. Live traps must be checked everyday or every other day when you are in the trap, and once it has a captive, you are able to drive a few miles away from where you live to let the mouse out. Although live traps are more humane alternatives to glue traps or snap traps, they will require you to physically dispose of living mice, something that many homeowners aren’t at ease with.

Bait Stations

Exterminators use bait stations to stop rodents that lurk in the vicinity of your home from entering your home. Certain bait stations have only one entrance, while others have two. The mouse is inside, consumes some of the toxic bait within, and returns it to its family, possibly poisoning them all. Bait stations are also utilized in order to get rid of huge internal pests.

Bait Types

Bait stations are equipped with a piece of paste or other substance that attracts mice, and then they eat some of it. They are not able to consume much, but they can consume enough to cause poisoning. There are other baits you can use similar to what we have mentioned previously — Peanut butter, birds seed, cheese, anything to lure creatures.


It is against the law for a layperson to attempt fumigation for mice. In some states, fumigation for residential use is against the law, and is only permitted for barns, storage buildings as well as other structures that are not residential. This can only be attempted by pest control professionals, and even then, it’s employed as an option last resort. Fumigation uses a large amount of pesticides in your home and keeps your attention away from the structure during treatment, which is why it is only employed when there are severe circumstances when it’s unsuitable or ineffective to use the standard treatment methods.

Types of Fumigation

If your exterminators opt to use fumigation (which they will rarely) they’ll apply rodenticides made of phosphates, along with other metallic compounds in the form of gas to permeate all rooms in your house. Pests (and numerous other living creatures) cannot withstand breathing these gasses for an extended period of time, killing their victims. This is why you and your loved ones shouldn’t be in the home when you are undergoing fumigation.

How do you prepare for Fumigation

If you do decide to contract an exterminator an extermination service there are a number of things you should do first. It is recommended to keep all interior doors open to ensure that the gas can engulf every room in your home. You must also seal every food item tightly to ensure that it won’t be affected by the chemical. Also, you should plan to be away, most likely for a few days. After returning, clean off all surfaces and areas which come in the contact of food.

What chemical do exterminators employ to Control mice Pest Control?

There are many harmful chemicals your exterminators might use when fumigating your house, among them the below.

Phosphine: It is commonly used to create fumigants if you decide to go that way. It’s a substance that turns into gas after exposure to the air. It could even explode. It’s fatal when inhaled.

Formaldehyde: It stops rodents’ cells from being in a position to divide.

Magnesium phosphide is a fine powder that, when exposed to water , turns into a toxic gas.

Carbon dioxide: It is the most secure chemical on this list because it leaves no residue behind. While your home is fumigated with it, nothing inside can breathe, but it’s not necessary to worry about it contaminating anything once you’re home.

How do exterminators prevent Mice

If you are subject to every year or quarterly inspections, a pest control service can prevent mice from inhabiting your home in the first place. You can also take action to prevent these critters from entering your home by sealing cracks that they can enter through and by making your home so unattractive to them as possible.


Exterminators use repellents that they apply along the perimeter of your house to keep mice from entering your home. There are also DIY mouse repellents that you can use that are safe for you and your familymembers and generally smell great.

You can make an DIY mosquito repellent. Make sure to soak cotton balls in essential oils like clove oil or peppermint, as well as cayenne (or the combination of both). Place the cotton balls in areas where you’ve seen mouse activity or you are unsure. The essential oil-soaked cotton balls should last for at least a week, or so, and after that you can change them. Mice also resent dry sheets (unused) and also cinnamon, eucalyptus, along with cedarwood oil. It is a blessing that they smell great to us.

How long do repellents last?

Professionally applied mouse repellents can last for several weeks to few months, based the makeup of the chemicals used, the amount of rain you can expect, as well as how much repellent they apply.

What number of treatments will be needed?

Preventive treatments work best if used monthly or quarterly. Pest control services operate on a monthly basis, with the quarterly service being one of the most requested options. They can also be returned without cost following the treatment is completed if there is any pest activity.

How long will it take to Get Rid of Mice?

It all depends on the amount of mice you have in your home. If you only have few mice or a small family, it might take about a week or two or perhaps less time; You just need to set several traps for mice and watch them go about their job.

On the other hand If you’ve got an extensive infestation of rodents in your home it could take anywhere from one at least three months get rid of the problem, including the mice themselves and their nesting material, and all their excretions (and their corpses). The length of time it takes to remove mice differs based on where they’ve made their home and how massive the population has grown. Though exterminators can provide treatments lasting one for two to three days, they can take up to a month or several to get everything returned to normal.

How Much Are Exterminators Charged for Mice?

There is a difference in how professional exterminators as well as pest control companies deal with mouse problems. Pest control firms employ an approach known as integrated pest management. This combines environmentally friendly rodenticides and pesticides in a sustainable and secure elimination and prevention strategies. Pest control professionals employ methods that are quick-acting, brutal, and are usually can be completed within just one to two treatment. Exterminators aren’t legally obligated to come back once their treatment is complete, even if there are evidence of rodent activity following the fact.

Because of the various methods used and the number of visits different pest control specialists make to eliminate mice There are some differences in the cost. The mice exterminators cost 525 dollars, which includes traps, baits and traps, as well as sealing out entry points, as well as the following visits. Pest control firms cost around the same amount for a single visit, but you can sign up for them for (preventive) services throughout the year.

Do You Need to Hire an Exterminator for mice?

Contrary to termites, the mouse infestation may be something you’d like to take on by yourself. This can be done in the event that you are not afraid of removing dead mice whenever you spot one or you are familiar with controlling mice, however in the event that you want to make sure that all trace (including mouse urine and droppings) of mouse habitation is eliminated from your home, it’s best to hire an exterminator. Exterminators have experience dealing this kind of issue and have the necessary training and tools to keep you and your family safe while removing the rodents from your home.